Friday 6 March 2009

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?"

(That's Latin for "Who watches the Watchmen?", from the Roman poet Juvenal.)

Today Watchmen comes out in theatres. I've been looking forward to this movie since June 23, 2006. That's almost two-and-a-half years of waiting. Tonight, at 5:45 p.m. I get to see if it lives up to my expectations. Here's to that!

Oh, and to keep you all occupied before you watch, and I implore you to, here's a scan from the original comic. This series of panels stars Silk Spectre II and Nite Owl II.

Okay, I lied. It's a Photoshop.

1 comment:

  1. HAHA shut up, I know. Okay screw my little inside joke with a friend. To avoid other readers for wanting to say the same I'll just take it down. In fact, I actually got the same comment twice today in person! What the hell. Okay, bye. Haha. :)
