Sunday 23 March 2008

The Future (and Videogames)

I was looking at the dreadful course selection sheet the other day, the so-called "improved" yellow sheet. Tentatively, this is what it looks like:

A History
B Spanish
C Religion
D Law
E Geography
F English
G Phys. Ed.
H Spare

There are a lot of issues that are brought about by this new sheet. Most of them are small ones regarding my own future; not much that affects others. The pink sheet, which many of us found to be the better course selection sheet, would've gave a schedule that looked like his.

A History
B Spanish
C Religion
D Law
E Geography
F Spare
G Phys. Ed.
H English

Is it right to have changed the course selection for the benefit of, I think it is, 4 people? I'm sure there are a lot of people now who have conflicts and schedules worse off. Was the change mandated at the consideration of the students who have their schedules worse off? Personally, it's a minor inconvenience, but what is the case for the other students? Is it really better off to trade away, what could be, the futures of a bigger number of students for the futures of 4? I don't think so.

Moving on, I'm not quite sure as to how University will look. I know that I'm going to end up going to UBC (for fear of letting my family down) and I know I'll be going into the Arts (because Science is too concrete in its teachings for my liking). From there, I don't know what I'll do. My three options are, as they stand: History, Political Science, and Journalism.

History is something that I think is really, really interesting. Now, anything before the 1900s isn't of much interest too me. These days are changing times and things from the 19th century, I find, aren't that relevant to me or the world stage (regarding which, I may be wrong). University history offers a lot of recent history be it from wartime or the political climate. I'm all up for that kind of learning, of which interests me, but I fear that the application of a degree in history are bare bones. Sure there are always the positions of "Curator" or "Historian", but how common are those to find? Will a degree in history hinder my employment options? I hope not.

Political Science is something that, I hope, I can use to change the world. It sounds cheesy, doesn't it? Truth be told, since sixth grade I've always wanted to do something about the world. It started with the hope that conflicts in the Middle East be resolved and, when that went to hell, I thought that change couldn't be brought about so easily. I was right to an extent; power is the only thing that can bring about change on a global sale. Political Science, I dream, is the degree that will launch myself into the political atmosphere and foster a platform of change. It may be a pipe dream, but it's a dream I hope I can one day achieve.

Journalism is the ideal degree for being realistic in terms of employment. The thing is, though, is that it isn't one of my flairs. I've been told I'm good at writing but my passions don't lie with journalism and the associated media. It's a steady and beneficial future with a journalism degree, but it's not something I would love with all my heart.


Changing the topic now, I want to pour some of my thoughts regarding videogames (and I guess electronics). There are a lot of things I'm saving for now, and this, I would guess, is a good platform to jot down my notes. Read if you want.

Xbox 360 wise, there are not a lot of games I feel I need to buy. The games I have preocuppy me well. Rock Band is still a game I'm striving for completion in. During Spring Break, I hope to have achieved completion in the Band World Tour and all the associated Achievements. The only things to be completed, then, are the achievements for solo campaigns in hard drums as well as expert drums and guitar. The Orange Box is something that will be quite taxing in terms of completion. Consisting of five games, it's something that's going to take up a lot of my time. I think I'll go through each game on weekends and try to complete it slowly. Medal of Honor: Airborne I will, hopefully, complete the campaign by the end of Spring Break and not get too involved into the online multi-player. I have enough games to complete. Mass Effect is still on the backburner; an RPG is too taxing to complete now. I may return it.

On the Playstation 3 front, there are a lot of games I want to get. Truth be told, I've been neglecting the PS3. Off the top of my head are Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, Resistance: Fall of Man, and, when it hits, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. At first glance, that's a hefty load at almost $200. The only game that I know I will be getting at launch price is MGS4 because there is a lot of hype that has been generated regarding it and, I know, that it's all justified. But, it doesn't arrive until June 12th, so there's plenty of time to save for it. What's next is a Dualshock 3 controller and at $55, is something that I won't be getting anytime soon. I don't have many multi-player games anyway so it would just be a rotting investment for the time being. On the PSP front, there's God of War: Chains of Olympus to get for about $35 but before I invest time into that, I still need to beat Patapon.

As for miscellaneous electronics, there are two things I'm saving for. The first is an 8 GB USB Flash Drive. At $40 at NCIX, this is a steal. It would be used, mostly, for file transfers to-and-from the PS3. 8 GB comes with, not only convenience, but security in that certain memories will not be lost easily. The second is an Asus eee. These ultra-portable laptops are something that will help tremendously at school. The price is an issue when deciding which model to get, though. The 8GB, at 7 inches, is a steal at $500. I'd rather have the 9 inch model, although I don't know how much that would set me back. I think I'll have enough by the end of summer.

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