Thursday, 2 July 2009

To _______, A Sonnet

When we were strangers, not yet known or met,
I could not know the passions of your eyes
Nor you my rhyme, or how I'd learn to set
My art to match the beauty of your sighs.
When we were distant, I could never know
The boundless hazel of your rolling locks
Nor could your glowing smile flame my heart's glow.
Your heart would never know my quiet knocks.
But now I hope we walk, in dusk, and see
That tower, white, against this hostile sky,
Against the flow'ring red my words will be
Those hundred things to melt with your reply.
I hope, and pray, you see that sudden flower
And know what's reckoned from this quiet hour.

May 27, 2009


  1. You're going into Arts, right? Better be:) (y)

  2. Naice. Possibly The Time Traveler's Wife? Sorry dude, totally skipped the books you gave me haha. I wiil INDEED get around to 'em though, forsure.
