Today Watchmen comes out in theatres. I've been looking forward to this movie since June 23, 2006. That's almost two-and-a-half years of waiting. Tonight, at 5:45 p.m. I get to see if it lives up to my expectations. Here's to that!
Oh, and to keep you all occupied before you watch, and I implore you to, here's a scan from the original comic. This series of panels stars Silk Spectre II and Nite Owl II.

Okay, I lied. It's a Photoshop.
HAHA shut up, I know. Okay screw my little inside joke with a friend. To avoid other readers for wanting to say the same I'll just take it down. In fact, I actually got the same comment twice today in person! What the hell. Okay, bye. Haha. :)